miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015

St. Louis Mayor Leads Delegation to Promote International Cargo through Lambert Airport

St. Louis Mayor Leads Delegation to Promote International Cargo through Lambert Airport

Teotihuacan en línea. St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay and Lambert-St. Louis International Airport Director Rhonda Hamm-Niebruegge are leading a delegation this week in Mexico City that has already yielded a major agreement to develop international cargo activity through St. Louis.
The St. Louis delegation, which also includes the World Trade Center of St. Louis, has been meeting with the Governor of the State of Mexico, Eruviel Ávila, as well as U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, E. Anthony Wayne. The Governor of the State of Mexico announced Tuesday the intent to form an official partnership with St. Louis and Lambert Airport to develop an international cargo program with St. Louis as a key hub for the State of Mexico’s international imports and exports. The partnership would involve Toluca International Airport (TIA), which serves the largest industrial region in the country of Mexico.
“This advances the Airport’s strategic plan to establish and grow scheduled international cargo activity and it certainly advances our dual customs project that would be key to facilitating Mexican cargo shipments through St. Louis,” said Lambert Director Rhonda Hamm-Niebruegge.
Governor Ávila pledged great support to promote the project, which still needs to be approved by the government of Mexico. During these meetings, U.S. Ambassador Wayne also pledged to support this important commerce development. The St. Louis delegation also shared letters of support for the project from Missouri Senators Claire McCaskill and Roy Blunt as well as U.S. Representatives for Missouri, Ann Wagner and WM. Lacy Clay.
"We are here on an important mission for St. Louis, Missouri, and the Midwest to improve logistics between moving cargo between St. Louis and Mexico," Mayor Francis Slay said. 
"I want to thank the honorable Governor Eruviel Ávila, for his warm welcome, and I am encouraged by his enthusiasm, support, and partnership to work with us to bring a dual-customs facility to St. Louis."
Mexico is the third largest foreign trade partner for the St. Louis region valued at more than $3.5 Billion in total trade (commodities). The delegations meeting in Mexico this week are still working on next steps and timetables for additional meetings that will focus on the details of a formal commerce agreement
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